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John Milton Academy Trust

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Joining Stowupland

Welcome to Stowupland High School 


Please click below for the Year 6 Information Evening presentation and Year 6 Induction presentation

School Uniform

Please visit Stowupland High School - Uniform for the latest information and guidance

Students will be required to wear full uniform to school every day. Exceptions may be for whole school events and trips and visits which will be clearly communicated prior to the event.

Students are expected to wear a Stowupland jumper or cardigan when they arrive at school and when they arrive at every lesson. Students are able to remove jumpers and cardigans once they are seated in lessons and during social times. Students must be wearing their jumpers or cardigans when they leave the classroom at any point.

It is the responsibility of the student to organise themselves to ensure they are in full uniform. It is the responsibility of the parent/carer to ensure that students have the correct uniform each day and enough uniform to last the week. It is not acceptable to arrive at school in an incorrect uniform.

Students that arrive at school with incorrect uniform will be asked to change into the spare uniform provided. Failure to cooperate with this process or the school not having the appropriate sizes of spare uniform for your child, will result in the student being placed in the schools Internal Exclusion Room until the issue is resolved. 

Excessive jewellery will have to be removed prior to entering the school site. Excessive jewellery worn on school site will be confiscated. Failure to cooperate will result in the student being placed in the school's Internal Exclusion Room.

Excessive make-up will have to be removed before entering the school site. Excessive make-up worn on school site will be asked to be removed. Failure to cooperate with this request will result in the student being placed in the Internal Exclusion Room.

When the weather is cold and/or wet students should also arrive with a school coat or jacket that is waterproof and warm. Hoodies are banned from site and can not be worn. Unless it is raining students will be outside at breaks and lunchtimes so we do advise students have a coat.


As per the home/school agreement, all students should arrive at school each day with the following equipment. This will be checked each morning in Tutor time and merits/demerits issued accordingly for missing pens, pencils and rulers. The rest of the equipment will be expected in the appropriate lessons such as Maths and DT. If you forget your pencil case and it is a one-off please do not worry, see the Progress Team and they will lend you equipment.

Behaviour and Expectations

We want all students at Stowupland to make outstanding progress.  It is essential, therefore, that the school is an environment where teachers can teach and students can learn.  Students also need to develop their skills and behaviour to become good citizens in the local and wider community.   The values we promote accross the school apply to all aspects of learning and behaviour.


  • Pens and pencils down and Sitting up straight with arms folded
  • Listening to teacher
  • Ask and answer lots of questions
  • Never interrupt staff
  • Tracking the member of staff - “eyes on me”


  • Sir/Miss at the end of each sentence. This is the Stowupland full stop. 
  • Thank you
  • Excuse me
  • Please
  • Stowupland Style - Warm, Welcoming and Friendly, communicated by interactions and Body Language, Tone of Voice and Facial Expression.


  • Answer in full Sentences
  • Hand away from mouth so students can be heard
  • Articulate your answer
  • Project your voice
  • Eyes on me”

The above principles provide an essential toolkit for students to avoid Demerits and in turn be awarded lots of Merits. It is impossible to receive Demerits by accident. By being polite at all times, asking and answering lots of questions and showing an attitude of gratitude, students will thrive at Stowupland.

Warm, Welcoming and Friendly is the Stowupland style. It is recognised by students being as polite to adults as we are to them, never ignoring staff and displaying positive tone or voice and body language.  Students engaging positively in all interactions with members of the school community. 

Behaviour in the Community

Students should always behave responsibly and safely when travelling to and from school.  School sanctions can, and will, be imposed as appropriate, for behaviour which does not meet our expectations.  Students whose behaviour causes concern may be banned from using the County Transport System.

Behaviour around the School Site and at Social Times

 While not in lessons the expectation is that students will behave in a manner that shows themselves in the best light possible. Sanctions will be put in place for any students who do not behave to such a high level. If your child is ever concerned about others' behaviour towards them they must find a member of duty staff ASAP. Duty staff all wear fluorescent jackets so they are easy to identify.

Mobile Phones

Students are allowed to bring their phones into school. However, they are not allowed to use them during school times. Mobile phones and headphones will be confiscated if they are seen and/or heard. Mobile phones will be returned to students at the end of the school day for their safety in getting home. Other items may be retained at school for parents/carers to collect, especially after persistent use.  If a student needs to contact a parent or carer during the school day, they must ask a member of staff for support in doing this.

Home-School Communication

We use Arbor to stay in regular email contact with families. Sending information to you by email means we can advise you of the latest school information and updates quickly.  The Arbor App and Parent Portal give you the opportunity to view your child’s profile, including attendance and behaviour data and timetables. At the time of receiving this information you will have an invite via parent mail to join the Arbor app. Those parents/carers that already have children enrolled at the school do not need to create a new account. You can also keep up-to-date with news and information on our website via

Support and Guidance

On entry to the school, students will be placed in tutor groups and, where possible, the tutor stays with their tutor group throughout KS3 and KS4. Tutors, Assistant Progress Leaders and Progress Leaders are also able to support students on a daily basis.  Many students also have peer-mentors.   Peer-mentors are older students specifically trained to offer support and advice.

Travelling to School

The school day starts promptly at 8.55am and students are registered in their tutor groups at the start of the day. A bell rings at 8.50am as a ‘getting ready’ bell and then another one sounds at 8.55am to signal the start of the lessons.  Students are expected to be in their first lesson classroom by 8.55am.

The school gates do not open until 8.35am when students are welcomed into the school by staff who check for any problems as well as checking uniform and jewellery. Students then line up in the playground before entering the school.

Walking and Cycling

If you live locally, students are encouraged to walk or cycle to school.  There are a number of footpaths leading into the school site and plenty of storage facilities for you to keep your bicycle locked and secure during the day.  Please see the map below for details of all footpaths. Please note that students must enter the school via the green gates next to reception. All other gates are closed at the start of the day.


All children using Suffolk County Council funded school travel should have opted in to the service by 31 May 2024 to ensure that the transport provision is in place by the start of the new academic year in September.  This process must be completed annually. 

If you have not done this, there may be a delay to your child’s transport provision for the start of the new school year. For information on eligibility for free home-to-school transport; how to apply for a bus pass; and bus timetables, visit

Attendance and Punctuality

Parents are a key influencer as to whether a child attends school.

When a parent signs their child up to Stowupland High School they are agreeing to remain committed to ensuring that their child attends every day and on time.

Every school will pride themselves on their broad and balanced curriculum offer and the specialist teachers that students learn from. However, this resource is least effective when the student is not attending.

The school will be persistent in our contact with the parent if they are not in school and will question the necessity and validity of the absence.

There may be rare occasions where there is a significant medical/family issue that prevents a student from attending. However, this should be as short as possible or evidence provided to justify otherwise. Please note, the school does not require a student to remain off school for 48 hours following sickness and diarrhoea. If your child is well enough to attend, they should attend. 

Only by attending school regularly and punctually will young people be able to take full advantage of the educational opportunities available to them. High achievement depends on good attendance.

We monitor the attendance, punctuality and progress of all students throughout the academic year.  Should a student’s attendance become a cause for concern, we will communicate with families using appropriate letters that indicate our level of concern. Should attendance not improve, or reach levels which class a student as a persistent absentee (below 90% attendance), we will consult and most likely refer to our Educational Welfare Officer who will ask to meet parents/carers with the student.

Parents and carers are legally required to ensure that their children regularly attend the school at which the student is registered.  Parents and carers who fail to do this may be liable to prosecution and a fine. The school also has the powers to recommend the issuing of fixed penalty notices to families who do not engage with supportive measures to improve attendance.

We would also like to remind families that we strongly discourage parents and carers using term-time to book holidays and visits. The school will by default refuse to authorise term-time holiday requests. Exceptional circumstances do occur and this will be judged on a case-by-case basis.

All requests for leave of absence for a holiday must be submitted using the Absence Form available on our website.

Reporting Student Absence

Should your son/daughter be unable to attend school for any reason, we ask that you make every effort to notify the school on the morning of any absence in order that we can record the absence appropriately. Failure to do so may result in absences being coded as unauthorised.

Telephone:   01449 742428

Email:   [email protected]

 Parent Information Evening and Parent Consultation Evenings

During the academic year, parents/carers will be invited to attend a Year 7 Information Evening and also a Consultation Evening. The Information Evening is usually held towards the start of the school year and will provide information on the curriculum and important matters relevant to the year group. 

Consultation Evenings are held at different times in the school year with one for each year group.  These offer parents/carers the opportunity to meet subject teachers and discuss students’ progress across subjects. These evenings are published in the school calendar and reminders will be sent out to all families at least two weeks in advance. .

Medical Support and First Aid

We have a number of trained First Aiders, and there is at least one on duty at all times. Students should not contact home directly but instead make themselves known to a member of staff if they are unwell. We keep a register of emergency contact numbers for all of our students and ask that we are kept updated with at least two current contact telephone numbers. Parents/carers of students with medical conditions, that require support in school, will be given the opportunity to discuss the medical needs of their child with Mrs McKendrick (Assistant Headteacher — Inclusion) and, if required, an Individual Health Care Plan (IHCP) will be put in place.

School Meals

We operate a cashless catering system where parents/carers can ‘upload’ money onto a card for students to use to purchase their meals.  More details will be shared ahead of September.  Meals can be eaten in the Dining Room or around the school in a comfortable space.

Free School Meals

If your child is eligible for free school meals, they can enjoy delicious healthy meals at no cost to parents/carers.

Your child will be entitled to free school meals if you are in receipt of any of the following:

· Income Support

· Income based Job Seeker’s Allowance

· Income related Employment and Support Allowance

· Guarantee element of State Pension Credit

· Child Tax Credit but no element of Working Tax Credit and have an annual income (as assessed by HM Revenues & Customs) that does not exceed £16,190

· If you are supported under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

· Working Tax Credit during the four-week period immediately after your employment finishes or after you start to work less hours per week

· Universal Credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400 (£616.67 per month), as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods)

Our School will Receive Extra Funding (Pupil Premium)

For every child registered for a free school meal, the school will receive money to spend on extra resources. We will continue to use this funding to support students to raise standards and attainment, used in a number of different areas, including but not limited to:

· Teaching staff: employment of extra teaching staff to offer additional intervention in English and Maths in order to improve attainment;

· Coaching/mentoring: providing additional support in order to help students achieve their full potential;

· Student Support: supporting pupils’ attendance, self-esteem and attitudes to learning.

If you are registered for Free School Meals you could also apply for assistance with the cost of uniform, school trips and music tuition.

If you are already in receipt of Free School Meals you need not apply again.  When your child joins Stowupland, the school will be informed of students who are currently eligible.

Applying for Free School Meals

The quickest way to apply is to complete the online form available on Suffolk County Council’s web-site: (click on ‘Apply’ and ‘Applying for Free School Meals’).   Alternatively, call 01473 260989.  On receipt of the application, Suffolk County Council will check your entitlement through a secure electronic checking system.  All you need to provide is your National Insurance Number, date of birth and surname. You can apply for all your children on the same application.

General Information

Lost Property

The best way to avoid this happening is to ensure that you are organised and take responsibility for your belongings. To help prevent this further we advise that all items are named so they can be returned if lost. If you lose anything, first search thoroughly all areas of the school where you have been during that day including the corridors. If your item is still missing, go to the Student Reception at break or lunchtime to see if anything has been handed in. If you lose your PE kit, always ask a PE teacher if it has been found in the changing rooms.

Please do not bring large sums of money or valuables to school. We have a cashless system for food and trips and therefore money is not required. The school is not able to take responsibility for valuable items that are bought to school.

Leaving the School Site

Students are not allowed to leave the school site at any time unless they are collected by an adult that is an emergency contact, or who has been given permission by the adults who hold parental responsibility. (If not an emergency contact the school will have to be notified in advance of who is collecting the student).

The school must be informed with advanced notice if you need to leave school early. This can be in the form of a phone call, email or a signed handwritten note from your parents/carers. Forewarning or a note will not necessarily mean that the absence is authorised but please be assured that the school will always look to work with parents/carers with any concerns they may have.

Parents/carers will need to come into Reception to collect any student who is leaving school site.

Apps and logins

Parents/carers only apps

Once logged in, the dashboard is the first screen that you will see. This gives a quick glance of the student’s daily timetable, behaviour points, current attendance and progress. You will be able to click on different parts of the home page to view more data on your child.

For example, clicking the attendance percentage will bring up the attendance page which breaks down the attendance figures into present, late, or absent.

Students' lunch accounts can be topped up under accounts and all other payments for trips or equipment will appear under payments/shop. If you are having issues logging-in, please contact reception.

If you have not been sent a link to register toArbor or ParentMail or have issues with logging in, please contact reception.


Parents/carers and students

Satchel One – formerly show my homework. Students should set up their accounts with their school email address as teachers share information on the Google Drive. Parents/carers download their own app which allows them to view set homework.



Science uses Seneca science as part of our homework. It is designed to fit with our curriculum from KS3-KS5. Staff can set assignments for parts of the course and it asks questions for students to answer while providing an overview of key learning. It provides instant feedback and even reword questions which students have got wrong so that they can improve. Students can access any part of the course (and even other subjects) at any time, so they can look ahead to what learning is needed.

Students can join with school email address. If a password if forgotten, you hit this link on the login screen. It then sends a reset link to your email. Staff can't reset passwords.

In the Maths department, our most commonly used app is Sparx Maths. Sparx Maths creates weekly homework assignments that are tailored to the needs of each student and is based on our scheme of work.  The practice given to students is both challenging and achievable. Sparx ensures repetition and interleaving of topics to help support students' long-term memories. If students need to have their password reset, they need to go to the Sparx website and click on Forgotten Sparx Password.  This will send a message to their teacher to authorise a password reset.  Alternatively, students can also contact their teachers via Satchel One or see them in person to get help resetting their password. 

Parents/carers will receive notifications into their emails about the homework’s deadlines.

Occasionally, we will also use other websites, such as Dr Frost Maths and MathsPad that provide enriching activities and exam practice.  Students will be given login details for these by their class teacher as needed.  If any student requires a password reset or help with logging in, they should contact their teacher either via Satchel One or in person.


Will I get lost in a bigger school?

Yes, you can occasionally get lost at school but that’s just because it’s new. However, if you do, there are maps around the school and friendly students who will help you to your classroom.  Within a week of being with us you will know your way round very well.

There are only a couple of students coming from my primary school. Will I make friends easily?

We think that you will make friends easily because everyone is in the same position, and you are placed in a form group with lots of new faces.   You may be sitting next to someone new, and if you are, then introduce yourself, maybe you will end up being best friends! You will meet like-minded people with similar interests. We guarantee that by the end of day one, you will have met someone new.

If I am worried or upset, who can I speak to?

There are many different people in the school who you can talk to. These include your Form Tutor, Progress Leader, Assistant Progress Leader, Prefects, Peer Mentors and members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). Your concern or issue will be dealt with professionally and confidentially. If other teachers, students or parents/carers need to be made aware these people will help to do this too. We are a telling school and so you should never keep something to yourself that is worrying you or causing upset.

What school trips are there?

There is a wide choice of school trips throughout your time at Stowupland High School. From sport, art, cooking, history or whatever your interests are, there is a trip to suit you. We travel within the UK and sometimes overseas. There are also reward trips to aim for, to encourage students to uphold the values of Rights, Responsibilities and Respect.

What clubs can I take part in at Stowupland High School?

There are many clubs available, particularly in sport. Stowupland participates in a wide range of sporting activities and many of these will present the opportunity to represent the schools in competitive fixtures and travel all over the county. There are also subject specific clubs within music, computing, drama, design and academic/homework support. These clubs not only allow you to improve your learning but also to meet other people with similar interests, creating new friendships. Parents can sign up for these each half-term on Arbor.

I am worried about getting the school bus. What if I miss it?

Our best advice is, don’t miss it. High school is all about being organised. So if you are up and ready on time in the morning, then missing the bus will not be an issue. Some students have to look after younger brothers and sisters or maybe care for someone at home. If this means you may miss the bus then you should speak to your form tutor or Progress Team at school.

Can I use the toilet during lessons?

  1. Our expectation is that students will use the toilets if they need to before school (G Block) between 8.35-8.55. Past 8.55 students will use the toilet at break and at lunchtime.
  2. Before school and at social times we have staff on duty in each toilet area (A Block and G Block) to manage the queue and ensure that students are using the toilets appropriately (eg. not congregating in toilet area).
  3. We want our toilets to be clean and bright spaces which students are happy to use. We have support staff who monitor the cleanliness of toilets during the day and refill soap dispensers, toilet roll etc.
  4. Our duty information contains specific instructions of how we expect staff to manage the use of toilets.
  5. We have accessibility toilets (T Block, G Block and B Block and PE) available for students who need to access them.
  6. We do not expect that students will need to use toilets during lesson time unless it is an exceptional circumstance. For example, where a student has a specified medical condition (for which they will need an up-to-date medical pass) or there is another exceptional circumstance.
  7. Allowing students to go to toilet during lessons is at the teacher’s discretion.
  8. For any toilet requests we do not allow students to use the toilet in the first 15 minutes or last 15 minutes of a lesson to ensure they have all the information required to access tasks and activities. Any student granted permission to use the toilets during lessons will need a physical pass/note from the teacher.
  9. The teacher will place a note on Arbor when a student visits the toilet during a lesson. This allows us to track patterns of use so we can challenge work avoidance and inform parents of time spent out of lessons.
  10. Students are expected to use the nearest available toilets and return to lessons promptly.
  11. Any faults, breakages, damage in toilets should be reported to staff as soon as possible. When staff become aware of any issues they will use the appropriate method to alert the Site Team.
  12. Unreasonable lengths of time out of lessons or disruption to learning whilst being granted permission to use the toilets will be dealt with under the Behaviour for Learning Policy.

Students that leave lessons without permission will be sent to our Internal Exclusion Room as a consequence.