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John Milton Academy Trust

These schools are part of the John Milton Academy Trust. Click on the school's logo to visit their website.

Bacton logoCedars Park logoThe John Milton logoMendlesham logoStowupland logoMulberry logo


Due to the considerable impact of RAAC concrete on the school site we are unable to use a significant area of our school building. We have had to apply temporary admission limits in Years 7-11 to ensure that we can accommodate the number of students on roll safely. Years 7,8, 10 and 11 currently have an admission limit of 180 places, and Year 9 has an admissions limit of 150 places.  We are currently full in these year groups. You are still able to make an application for a school place and if this is refused you would be offered the right of appeal. We do not hold waiting lists for in-year applications.


Choosing a school is a very important process for parents and children alike.

We hope our website, together with our Prospectus, will give you the information that you need to make your decision. However, if you have been unable to visit the school at an Open Event or would like a further visit, please contact the school and we will arrange for you to be shown around. Please telephone the school for an appointment. Alternatively, write or e-mail the school using our details on the contact page.

Admissions for Year 6 Transferring to Year 7

Stowupland High school is a founding school of the John Milton Academy Trust.  Admission arrangements for Year 6 students moving into Year 7 are conducted, on our behalf, by Suffolk County Council (SCC).

Prospective parents must follow the SCC identified procedures when applying for places for new intakes.  As a guide, our main feeder primary schools are Bacton, Cedars Park, Crawfords, Freeman, Mendlesham and Old Newton.  Please use the SCC Nearest School checker to see if your child would be eligible for free school transport:




In-Year Applications