Medical Arrangements
The government guidance ‘Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions‘ says:
‘Governing bodies should ensure that school leaders consult health and social care professionals, pupils and parents to ensure that the needs of children with medical conditions are properly understood and effectively supported’
It also says…
‘Schools, local authorities, health professionals, commissioners and other support services should work together to ensure that children with medical conditions receive a full education. In some cases this will require flexibility and involve, for example, programmes of study that rely on part-time attendance at school in combination with alternative provision arranged by the local authority. Consideration may also be given to how children will be reintegrated back into school after periods of absence’
‘All children must receive a full-time education, unless this would not be in their best interests because of their health needs’
Supporting Students at School with Medical Needs Policy
Full details of our arrangements in school are detailed in our Supporting Students at School with Medical Needs Policy:
Policy link here
Reduced or Part-time timetables
Children of compulsory school age have the right to a full-time education unless, due to health needs, it would not be in their best interests.
Before considering a part-time timetable, we will consider the following support options:
- Completion of a CAF by the progress team
- Referral to Specialist Education Services (SES) or the Psychology and Therapeutic Services
- Referral to a health service
- A request to the Local Authority for an Educational Health Care Needs Assessment (EHCNA) or if an EHCP is in place, an early annual review
A part-time timetable is not a long-term solution and this should only be in place in exceptional circumstances and for a temporary period, with an agreed date for when the reduced timetable will end. Our recommended practice is for a two weekly review and we require that a Health or Medical practitioner’s advice is provided stating that a part-time timetable is recommended.
Individual Healthcare Plans (IHPs)
Under the Children and Families Act 2014, schools and education settings have a statutory duty to make arrangements to support students with medical conditions. The aim is to ensure that children and young people with medical conditions affecting either their physical or mental health (or both) are properly supported in school so that they can play a full and active role in school life, remain healthy, and achieve their academic potential.
Individual Healthcare Plans (not to be confused with Education, Health and Care or EHC plans) can be put in place for children with complex health needs. The following considerations should be taken into account:
- An individual plan may not be appropriate for your child. Talk to school if you are not sure.
- An Individual healthcare plan will help a school to effectively plan what your child needs, and can provide reassurance about the support plan ie. who will do what, and when.
- You will be able to share your views and those of your child. Let school know of any changes to your child’s needs so the plan can be amended
- This plan can also include your child’s Special Educational Needs (where an EHC plan is not in place).
- Though school will be responsible for finalising and maintaining the plan, healthcare and social care or other professionals should be involved in the process.
- Parents should be involved in the writing of the IHP and its review. Children and young people should be supported to contribute their views and share what is important to them
- An IHP primarily clarifies medical needs and care as it relates to school, including emergency arrangements and daily medical care. IHPs also support conversations and planning about the impact of medical needs upon a child’s education, identity, inclusion and personal experiences.
- An IHP is a graduated approach which includes identifying universal, targeted and specialist provision. Additional advice or collaboration may come from external practitioners such as Health Visitors, Learning Inclusion (e.g. Educational Psychologists, Visual or Deaf and Hearing Impairment Teams, SEN Inclusion Team), Attendance, and relevant Third Sector organisations
Key contacts and further information
IHPs can be completed in school by the following staff, in liaison with the student, parent/carers and external professional health and education practitioners:
- AHT Inclusion
- School SENCo
- Medical Support Worker
Or Progress Leaders / Assistant Progress Leaders, with oversight from one of the above members of staff.
Parents who would like independent advice around additional and special educational needs can contact SENDIASS (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information and Support Service).
Please alert the school if you would like to have support to put an IHP in place for your child.