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John Milton Academy Trust

These schools are part of the John Milton Academy Trust. Click on the school's logo to visit their website.

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Safeguarding and Child Protection

The purpose of Stowupland High School’s Safeguarding Policy is to provide a secure framework for the school in safeguarding and promoting the welfare of those students who attend our school. The policy aims to ensure that:

  • All our students are safe and protected from harm;
  • Other elements of provision and policies are in place to enable students to feel safe and adopt safe practices;
  • Staff, students, governors, visitors, volunteers and parents are aware of the expected behaviours’ are and the school’s legal responsibilities in relation to its students.

At SHS educating pupils about current safeguarding issues is essential in equipping pupils with the knowledge and skills to identify risks and take appropriate action. Key issues are included within the PSHE and RSHE curriculum and where appropriate across

the whole curriculum as well as featuring in assemblies, individual student support and via pastoral processes.

As part of our safeguarding duties we also educate about radicalisation and have a responsibility to report any cases through our prevent duty. This is explained in our Anti - Radicalisation and PREVENT policy.

At Stowupland High School Safeguarding is considered to be everyone’s responsibility and as such the School aims to create the safest environment possible that will allow every student the opportunity to achieve.

If you have concerns about a child please contact the school through [email protected] and mark it FAO of DSL and it will be passed onto myself.

Mr Chris Sim
Designated Lead for Safeguarding 

The NSPCC website is excellent for advice on talking to your child about safeguarding and online safety. Please hover over the icons for more information.