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John Milton Academy Trust

These schools are part of the John Milton Academy Trust. Click on the school's logo to visit their website.

Bacton logoCedars Park logoThe John Milton logoMendlesham logoStowupland logoMulberry logo


School uniform

Uniform help to create a school identity and promote a safe working atmosphere. Our uniform is smart, practical and affordable, and we are confident that parents will support us in ensuring that students are correctly dressed for school.

Purchase of Uniform

Inces of Stowmarket is the main stockist of Stowupland High School uniform with the school's logo.

Basic uniform can also be ordered from My Clothing and many high-street retailers and supermarkets.

Financial Support

The school offers financial support for families who struggle to meet the cost of uniform. Please contact the school to discuss what might be available.

In addition, where the school has donated good quality, pre-worn school uniforms, we can issue these to families free of charge; we welcome donations of all school uniforms which are in good condition.

Year 7-11

Navy blue with V-neck  jumper with Stowupland logo or

Navy blue cardigan with Stowupland logo

They are compulsory and only available from Inces of Stowmarket and My Clothing.

Students must have their jumper/cardigan each day in school.

School jumpers/cardigans must be worn when they arrive at school and when moving around the school site.

A student is permitted to remove their jumper/cardigan when seated in class and during social times. They must wear it again at the end of social times, when arriving to lessons and when leaving any classroom.

“Hoodies” are not permitted on school site.

Zipped hoodies or sports performance wear should not be worn in replacement of a coat or school jumper.

Coasts should be functional in that they are waterproof and warm.

Non-uniform items will be confiscated and not returned until a parent/carer collects them from school.

Failure to cooperate with any requests to confiscate items will result in students being placed in IER or possible suspension.

Royal blue polo shirt with Stowupland logo

It is compulsory and only available from Inces of Stowmarket and My Clothing.

Polo shirts without the logo are not acceptable.

Coloured and long-sleeved tops may not be worn underneath.

Skirts should be black regulation skirts.

Skirts should be knee-length, made of non-clingy fabric in a tailored design.

Skirts bought from other retailers should be indistinguishable from the school skirts available from our uniform providers, Inces of Stowmarket or My Clothing.

If a student's skirt is rolled up or too tight, requiring it to be adjusted persistently throughout the day, the school will require students to change into a trouser that will be provided.

Students that deliberately or persistently wear inappropriately length skirts will be placed in our Internal Exclusion Room until the issue is resolved.

Trousers should be black, tailored with a waistband, pockets and cover the ankle bone.

Jeans/denim fabric/corduroy, leggings and three-quarter length trousers are not permitted.

Parents/carers are advised to buy trousers and shorts from Inces or My Clothing and should be aware that if purchased from other high street providers, their ranges may not be acceptable under our uniform policy, so please check carefully.

Students that deliberately or persistently wear inappropriate legwear be placed in our Internal Exclusion Room until the issue is resolved.

Shorts should be black and tailored.

Students are not permitted to wear PE shorts, Lycra shorts or sportswear.

Parents/carers are advised to buy shorts from Inces of Stowmarket or My Clothing and should be aware that if purchased from high street providers, their ranges may not be acceptable under our uniform policy, so please check carefully.


They should be warm, practical and water/showerproof.

Shoes should be plain black, made of leather or a leather-looking material.

Sensible and comfortable designs are required and, for health and safety reasons, canvas material, backless shoes, open toes, ‘pumps’, which do not cover much of the foot, high heels, boots and platform shoes are not acceptable. Skate shoes, canvas shoes, plimsolls, Crocs and any footwear that is non-black or coloured logos/branding are not permitted.

Branded all black, leather-looking trainers are permitted as long as it does not conflict with the list of non-acceptable footwear above and there is no non-black colouring of the shoe.

Make-up / Jewellery / Hair


Discreet make-up is allowed in school.

Discrete make-up refers to subtle layers of foundation.

Bright lipstick, bright eyeshadow, pronounced contouring, heavy mascara, heavy foundation, and eyelash extensions or false eyelashes are not permitted.

Nail varnish, gel or acrylic nails are not allowed.

If students arrive in school with false nails, they will be placed in IER and students will be restricted from participating in all practical activities until they are removed. This includes PE, Drama, Computing, DT, Art and music. Students will have written work provided in these areas.


A watch and one discreet stud in each ear is the only permitted jewellery.

No other piercings or jewellery are allowed (students should not have tongue piercings, smilers or belly button piercings).

Nose piercings are not permitted in school and must be removed. This applies to all other body piercings.

If the piercing is unable to be removed, the student will be restricted from taking part in practical activities until it is removed. This includes PE, Drama, Computing, DT, Art and music. Students will have written work provided in these areas.


Hair colours are only allowed within a 'natural' range.

Equipment for Physical Education

Navy polo shirt with school logo

(compulsory and only available from Inces and My Clothing).

Plain navy shorts or plain navy training pants.

All permitted jewellery must be removed for Physical Education lessons.

Separate trainers are required to participate in PE. For hygiene reasons, students are not permitted to wear the same footwear for PE lessons as they do around the school.

For hygiene reasons, students should consider a change of socks after participating in PE.

If a student forgets PE items, they will be required to borrow spare PE clothing. If the student refuses, they will be issued with DEMERITS and issued with an after-school detention.


NOTE: The Principal and Headteacher reserve the right to make individual judgements or amendments to the above as fashions and situations arise.