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John Milton Academy Trust

These schools are part of the John Milton Academy Trust. Click on the school's logo to visit their website.

Bacton logoCedars Park logoThe John Milton logoMendlesham logoStowupland logoMulberry logo

Extra Curricular

We believe that enrichment activities are an important part of school life. We offer an extensive range of enrichment activities. These activities aim to broaden students’ horizons and develop their social skills and cultural awareness.


All students are encouraged to exercise regularly and to adopt a healthy lifestyle.  A number of sports clubs operate routinely linked to the school’s competition calendar.  Students are also free to use the on-site fitness suite and the whole school participates in the annual Sports’ Day.


We also have a comprehensive programme of lunchtime and afterschool enrichment activities. This includes an art and textiles club, Crest Award, Code Breaking, School Newspaper and Debating club. We are also re-establishing our Duke of Edinburgh programme. 


We have a well-deserved reputation for high-quality drama in addition to performances which stem from examination work. Recent annual school productions, which are open to all year groups, have included Matilda, High School Musical and Oliver.  Preparations are well under way for our next production, House of Horrors. Our Annual Summer Showcase allows our wonderful dancers, musicians and singers to perform in our 6th form centre.


These are an important part of our curriculum and serve to consolidate and stimulate learning across a range of activities.  There has been a return to theatre and art gallery trips; geography fieldwork in Suffolk and Norfolk, reward trips and history trips. There are opportunities for foreign travel: these may include visits to Paris, the Black Forest, Cologne, and the World War One Battlefields.

Please find attached the latest list of extra curricular activities available at school this term.