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John Milton Academy Trust

These schools are part of the John Milton Academy Trust. Click on the school's logo to visit their website.

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Mr Terry—Year 7 Progress Leader (PL) and the Progress Team

Hello Year 6s (very soon to be Year 7s). My name is Mr Terry and I will be your Progress Leader once you start at Stowupland High School.

You will have now taken part in your first transition day and I hope that this will have helped you experience what High School life is like by trying out some lessons and meeting new friends.

In September, High School will offer you a variety of new experiences; for example you will work with lots of new teachers and make lots of new friends. You will study subjects in specialist rooms like  Design Technology, Computing, Art, Drama, Music, Science, PE, Food Technology and Dance to name but a few. One big change for you will be the moving between classrooms for each lesson, something that will become easier as you progress through September. We will support your transition with a number of supportive Year 9 students who will ensure you get to your new classrooms.

Lessons at Stowupland will last 65 minutes and there will be 5 each day. You will also have 15 minutes with your Form Tutor each morning. This time allows you to ask any questions about the day, make sure you have your correct equipment and receive any messages.

There will also be lots of opportunities to succeed while at Stowupland. Teachers give out merits when you make positive and confident contributions to lessons as well as producing excellent work. Golden Tickets are awarded to 1 student per class who maintains high energy and outstanding contributions throughout the lesson.  

I look forward to getting to know you all individually.


Assistant Progress Leaders

We are in post to provide wellbeing support for you throughout your time at Stowupland High School. We are here to listen, to support and most of all make sure you keep smiling.

We are a good point of contact for parents/carers if you have any concerns.