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Health and Social Care

Powerful Knowledge

Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless’ Mother Teresa

OCR Nationals HSC Level 1/2  will assess the application of Health and Social Care through their practical use. They will provide learners with essential knowledge, transferable skills and tools to improve their learning in other subjects with the aim of enhancing their employability when they leave education, contributing to both their personal development and future economic well-being. Cambridge Nationals in Health and Social Care will equip learners with sound specialist knowledge and skills for everyday use. They will also challenge all learners, including high attaining learners, by introducing them to demanding material and skills; encouraging independence and creativity; providing tasks that engage with the most taxing aspects of the National Curriculum (including Values of Care and the current legislation requirements and the importance of softer skills such as communication skills to ensure individuals right to independence and dignity). The hands-on approach that will be required for both teaching and learning will chime appropriately with the way young people use new technology and will underpin a highly valid approach to the assessment of their skills as is borne by what teachers tell us. The qualification design, including the range of units available, will allow learners the freedom to explore more deeply the things that interest them as well as providing a good opportunity to enhance their learning in a range of curriculum areas.


Everyone working or looking to work in the Health and Social Care sector requires the right skills. Literacy is an essential skill for all Health and Social Care workers undertaking roles at any level.Literacy skills include: listening and speaking, reading and writing. All Health and Social Care roles involve communicating effectively. This can include listening and speaking to clients and their families, as well as other co-workers, and verbal communication with other professionals from within the organisation and external agencies. Good reading skills are essential for understanding care plans, following written instructions and messages. Written skills are also necessary for completion of client records, note taking and writing down instructions.Evidence of good literacy skills can be of benefit to those seeking employment and help protect against future unemployment

School Context

The OCR Cambridge Nationals course offers our students a level 1 and level 2 qualification which meets the needs of all of our students allowing them to access the curriculum and gain a vocational qualification in an industry which is well represented within the local community.


Unit R032 (Principles of care in health and social care settings) is an examined unit where students will sit a one hour 15-minute examination paper, which is set and marked by OCR.

Unit R033 (Supporting individuals through life events) and Unit R034 (Creative and therapeutic activities) are assessed through a series of tasks for a set assignment.  The assignments are set by OCR, marked by your teacher and then moderated by OCR.


The Health and Social Care industry has a huge range of career opportunities for people from all academic backgrounds.Healthcare is all about helping people who have problems with their physical health. This could be in a hospital, surgery, dentists, opticians, pharmacy and in people’s homes. Some job roles will require professional qualifications whilst others will have on the job training.Everybody at some point in their lives will be dependent upon the skills of a healthcare professional, in fact the NHS is one of the largest employers in the world.The Social care side is more about helping people in the community and giving them support to improve their lives. A career in social care may involve working with children, young people, the elderly, people with disabilities, people with mental health issues and offenders.Care is the key. As one of the largest growth sectors in the country, we are to offer OCR Nationals HSC as a vocational route into this industry.